Completely Drained... God at Work!

My morning started early with a prayer time online with a special friend...
“God, drain us physically in every way so that we know Your power today - that it is You working, and not us!”

 I'm not even sure I like that prayer!  As we lay in bed that night, completely drained, we recognized God's hand...

Home school and laundry both interrupted early with a knock at the gate.

A neighbor lady, suffering with both TB and HIV - whom we have visited and taken food to...

So weak, she really can barely walk...

Kicked out of her home by her angry husband - with no money to get back to her mom's place (a 3 hour bus ride away) - he told her to "go footing".  She could barely make it to our house!

After some food and juice, and a very long talk, Bernadita recognized and received the love of the ONE who will never reject her... JESUS!

I went to bed that night with all my wet, soapy laundry in buckets still covering the kitchen floor... drained emotionally and physically... and recognizing God's hand at work!


  1. My God bless you and protect you for your Good work!!

  2. Praying for God to continue to sustain you, feed you, bathe you, lift you and to continue to use you to shine His light through darkness.


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