November Monthly Partner Update
Please keep us in
- Moving back to Kenya fully on January 2, 2017 - travel, airfare, re-adjusting, only 3 of us.
- Prayer has been answered! Thankful! We just got notice that our visa/work permit was renewed for another 2 years.
- Abby in Bible School - studies, work, finances.
- Nathan at Starbucks, future direction and moving out on his own.
- Sam adjusting back to his school in Kenya mid-year.
the Ground in Kenya
- Hatua Community Centre - Pauline as she manages ongoing ministry; that she would be encouraged and see God's healing, protective, providing hand.
- Pastor David and family - that they would be encouraged and see God's healing/protective hand. We/they are experiencing strong spiritual opposition, manifested in physical ways inexplicable medical conditions. God has healed. Pray for spiritual protection over his family.
- 24 Bible school students beginning the final term for the year. Pray for next years applicants, that we would have a good number of committed students.2 new churches have just begun. Planted by 2 of our Bible school students - Florence Oduor and David Simidi. Please pray for their spiritual protection, endurance and encouragement.
- Children’s Bible clubs in November.
- For clarity of the Gospel to be freely understood with each of our steps. We are continuously up against blinding spiritual evils, false teaching, witchcraft, animism and prosperity faith. Pray that we would hold strong to putting on "the armor of God" (Ephesians 6).
- Nairobi Chapel and our partnership.
- Our house/housing in Ngando – maintenance and repairs – Our landlord John.
- Peaceful elections next year.
- Future growth of the vision in Nairobi, rural Kenya and Tanzania– that we would be available and walk in the Spirit: CTC Bible schools, community centers, medical facility, dress project.
- Praise for recent, big bead-work jewelry sales and contacts.
- We are at 70% of our monthly support
- A 4WD vehicle to help us access muddy roads and rural areas and for better safety on the roads. $25,000. We are at 20%. We currently do not have a vehicle.
- Bible club funds for November