When the Storm Swirls, There is REFUGE!
About a week ago, it rained... and rained... and rained.
We'd actually been praying for rain!
But, the result of our prayers being answered ALL at once was devastating to many homes built in slum areas here in Nairobi.
As we woke up throughout the night, with the rain pounding hour after hour on our tin roof, I couldn't help thinking about our neighbors whose houses were undoubtedly flooding.
The same homes flood every rainy season. It's the newest families that move there - during the dry season. Usually the poorest of the poor, as the rent there is very low - for obvious reasons. Often these families don't have any furniture - which makes the flooding all the more devastating (nothing is off the floor). The rising water also affects every pit latrine, so the flood water is not just rain water... not even just muddy water - but water filled with sewage from these overflowing outhouses.
As soon as the rain slowed to a drizzle, Brad and I met a pastor and set out to visit the homes that we knew must have flooded.
There were many, each with their own story - but I want to tell you about one.
As we approached the home, a mama peeked her head out the door. She had already washed the family's beddings and hung them out to "dry" - the continuing showers made the prospect of anything actually drying hopeless - but she was doing the best that she could! Her two children were stocking footed on the cold, damp cement floor.
They were all just standing inside.
There was no furniture.
No place to rest.
Nothing dry to cuddle up in.
The only "mattress" was the less than 1" thick piece of home, dripping on the line outside.
What haunted me after we prayed with this little lost family was the look in this mama's eyes. My heart felt the pull of her hopelessness. How would anything dry for tonight? Obviously, there were no funds to run out and buy some new blankets. Then, the promise of rain the next night and the next and the next were surely very high (it's rainy season after all)! Would her children get sick? How would they survive this situation?
I left with a deep, deep sorrow....
But GOD had also seen this Mama's eyes.
As Brad and I talked, trying to discern our own next step, God literally had me bump into someone who had a bed to offer this family! By that night, she and her children had a "safe" place to sleep - even if the flooding came back, their bed and new mattress would stay dry!
Most importantly, this MAMA knows - GOD saw her - cared about her - and miraculously brought HOPE into her situation!!!
The water line on the tin wall shows how high the water had gotten overnight. |
I've had a mental picture of this little family in my mind for the last week.
They felt so alone and forgotten. They literally had nowhere to turn!
They didn't ask for help.
But GOD saw them.
He chose to lead us to their home.
He longed to bring HOPE to this Mama in a tangible way!
And we pray that this God - encounter will bring this family to HIM!
God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.So we will not fear when earthquakes come
and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Let the oceans roar and foam.
Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!
Psalm 46:1-3