BLESSED are those 
who NEED Him enough 
to KNOW Him enough
to LOVE Him enough 
to know  HE  IS  ENOUGH!

Do I need You enough, Lord?

Coming home... it's pouring RAIN!   

That means 
wet laundry draped all around the house...

mud will be tracked everywhere...

Can you tell that I'm feeling like complaining?


One neighbor, then another and another happen to mention to me
"The water is coming into my home."
They point to show me, 
"The water is this deep" - they are pointing half way up their shins!

I loan my boots to one mama...
Take a thermos of hot tea to another.
Checking on a mama today - you can see the water mark where it was last night on the sides of the homes.

As I ponder my own mud tracked floor, I imagine

Where will their babies play?
How will a fire be built - to cook or even just get warm?
What about the mattresses on the floors?
What of their few possessions have been ruined?

I have NOTHING lacking...

except maybe just one thing...
"LORD, do I NEED you enough -
To know that YOU ARE ENOUGH?"

Blessed are those who
NEED Him enough
To KNOW Him enough
To LOVE Him enough


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