Genuine Coffee Grower...

Brad's secret obsession - 
if you've known him for very long, then it's no secret to you!

So, of course, moving to Kenya, the source of so much amazing coffee, has been a fun added bonus to our time here!

A few months ago, Brad stopped by our friends' plant stand to ask if they ever sold coffee trees.  
Yes - they had one there!  

They even brought it to our yard and helped Brad to plant it... just so.... In a year, they PROMISED Brad, 
you will get 1 pound of beans from this plant!

A proud day... we took photos, smiled, and Brad officially calls himself a "coffee grower".


My Dad's visit brought a quiet whisper...
"That's not a coffee tree!"

He instantly recognized the gardenia plant.  And soon, none of us could deny it - as this amazing flower bloomed!  Definitely NOT coffee!

BRAD'S new favorite flower...

We all enjoyed a great laugh... our plant stand friends came over to inspect and agree - they had been mistaken... definitely NOT coffee...

Now, there is a 2nd bush planted next to our beautiful gardenia plant... 
we're hoping for a different kind of flower on this one!  

In one year's time, 
come on over for some "home-grown" coffee...
The plant guys PROMISED!


  1. Whoa, that is gorgeous, though it won't grow you breakfast. :) Fun story! We love and miss the Matlacks!

  2. you should try grinding it - start a whole new obsession gardenia juice mmmm


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