Awake in the NIGHT...

Awake in the night...
Jet lag?  Maybe!

But what jarred me awake - what is keeping me awake as I sit here, is something real!

Tonight, I am sitting here, begging God to fill me with wisdom.

Lavendah with her baby, Ash...

Tomorrow we will face a life decision with a little girl who is a mama.  She has decided that she may want to give up her baby ...  But then again, maybe not...  Or maybe just for a little while...  Sounds like a normal 15 year old, doesn’t it?  Except these decisions are not about what color of nail polish she wants to wear!

Sweet baby Ash

Would it be best for this baby to be adopted into a stable home?  Probably... maybe... but we are in the business of helping mamas to keep their babies!  Of course, this mama is not very stable.  She has threatened to kill him before ...out of desperation.  We don’t take that lightly!   She keeps moving in and out with an abusive boyfriend.  But that probably has a lot to do with the fact that she has nowhere to live! 

Big smiles!

And so tomorrow, from the table in our Girls With Vision center, where we make beads together and study God's Word together, where we have given her temporary shelter, our voices will be heard.  How can we walk with Lavendah?   
God, PLEASE let it be YOU speaking and not me!    

How can we help a girl be a mother 
when she has never known the love of a mother?   

So yes, tonight is a sleepless night... maybe it is for her too!

I’m desperate for wisdom.  There are no easy answers... every way I look, I see pain!  Decisions that will matter for a lifetime - literally - to a mama and to her boy. 

I’m coming to the ONE who knows that future - asking HIM to guide our words tomorrow. 

Once again, I remind myself... God, You love and cherish Ash and his mama, Lavendah even more than I do!   You have beautiful plans for each of their lives!  

But anyone who needs wisdom should ask God, whose very nature is to give to everyone without a second thought, without keeping score. Wisdom will certainly be given to those who ask.
James 1:5

He promised, so I am begging for HIS wisdom today!  Please pray for Lavendah with me! 
 A little video of Ash dancing at our Christmas party!


Learning to make soap

Lavendah, always ready with a smile for the camera!

Beadwork at our house

Our neighborhood

Lavendah and Ash with their Christmas gift!

Ash, joining in the dancing and singing!


  1. a broken heart you can in no way cast out-keep us broken and keep us close-all of us Ash

  2. God will bless you with wisdom, my dear friend. You are hanging on to Him for it and not looking to yourself. James 1. May he pour out wisdom upon wisdom to you.


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